Hume Investigative Journalism Survey
The internet and DIY communication tools have weakened the commercial mainstream media, and authoritarian political actors in many once-promising democratic regions are compromising public media independence. Fewer journalists were murdered in 2016 than the previous year, but the number of attacks on journalists around the world is “unprecedented,” according to the Index on Censorship.
Caught in the Middle: Central and Eastern European Journalism at a Crossroads
Journalists in Central and Eastern Europe are struggling to hold on to the gains they made in the first two decades after communism. Now the momentum is going the other way as more autocratic leaders find ways to manage or discredit the independent news media.
Tabloids, Talk Radio, and the Future of News
1995 critique of today’s journalism and its forward-looking analysis of journalism on the Internet won the Bart Richards Award for Media Criticism from Penn State University. It describes in detail, with case studies and other references, what is wrong with today’s American journalism and what might be done to improve it.
Bridging the Gap: Rebuilding Citizen Trust in Media
The media are under attack. Rising income inequality, populist anger, disinformation campaigns and the election of right-wing regimes in countries such as Hungary, Turkey, the Philippines and the United States define the current turbulent political climate. A major outcome of this instability is that public regard for social institutions has plummeted.
Global Media Development Report: The Media Missionaries
When the Communist barricades collapsed in 1989, hundreds of Americans rushed to Eastern Europe and the former Soviet republics to spread the gospel of democracy. Among them were some of America’s most altruistic journalists, who hoped to midwife a newly independent press. Since then, the U.S. government and private agencies have spent more than $600 million on media development.
Talk Show Culture
Popular and political culture in the United States at the turn of the 21st century was shaped in part by media talk shows, which often were designed for entertainment value rather than for public enlightenment.